Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 7th Ride

The temps were in the low 90s and the wind was around 10 mph from the West, although it settled down about half way through the ride. I forgot to mention in my last post that I'm over a thousand miles for the year.

I had a little extra adventure today:
I had a car full of teenage boys come up behind me while heading West on 46, I saw an arm coming out with my rear view mirror and thought they were waving at me. So I raised my hand to wave back at them. Instead of waving, they tossed a large gulp sized and apparently full soda cup at me that hit the back of my hand and splattered soda all over me. Thank goodness I always wear sunglasses, since they were doused pretty heavy.
I've never had anyone hit me with anything before, although I have had a kid grab my arm a few years ago from a car window.

I also met another recumbent rider during todays ride:
Brian recently bought his first recumbent, a used Rans Rocket from his boss. His boss bought a new Rans and has qualified for the PBP this year, so he'll be heading to Paris. Qualifying for the ride is not easy. Here is a Wiki link detailing the PBP ride:

Below are the ride stats:


Brian said...

HeyTerry,this is Brian. It was good meeting you today. I hope the remainderofyour ride was uneventful.

I'll post a link toKen's PBP blog. I'm hoping he works out the video camera forhis ride.

trduff said...

Nice meeting you, it is rare to see another 'bent rider in these parts. I think you are the first for me (outside of sponsered rides) Looking forward to the PBP blog link.