Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 7th catch up

The high heat and high humidity has been putting a damper on my riding. I'm still out, just not as often and on shorter rides. I've also been working some odd hours including evenings and weekends. Here is a quick listing of the trips I've been on since the last solo century:

August 6th 32 mile loop

August 5th 20 mile loop

August 4th 30 mile loop

Its hard to believe I went this many days without riding! I didn't make my last two weekly goals of 100 miles a week for July.

July 25th 20 mile loop

July 24th 32 mile loop

July 23rd 26 mile loop

Even though I had used sun screen, I ended up with some sun blisters from the previous solo Century. I'm not sure how anyone can stay in the sun all day and not get badly burned on days that have an extreme high UV rating. Perhaps I'm more sensitive since I have psoriasis on over 30% of my body.

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