Friday, September 14, 2012

September 9th ride

After the Tree City Rolling Tour I decided to add a new route to my 'canned' 50 mile rides. I ride a lot of 50 milers either after work or on the weekends. One reason is I'm trying to meet my goal I set on of 50 fifty milers for the year. If I would have thought a little I think I should have set the goal at a much more reasonable 40 instead of 50 of them. This ride is only my 35th 50 miler for the year and it's getting harder to do these after work since the days are getting shorter. It will soon be too cold for me to ride, so we'll see if I finish all 50.

This ride is a challenge since it has all the hills on Hamburg road. I feel this ride really helps build me into a more powerful biker since it gets me used to climbing hills on a recumbent.

Ride Details:

Ride Summary:

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